Online Branch Accounting (OLBA)
OLBA is UNISON's tool for managing the branch’s finances. Branch Treasurers will use it to keep accurate records of the branch's finances. Both Treasurers and other Committee Members will find it an invaluable aid both in constructing the branch’s budget and in using the budget to monitor expenditure.
Need Help?
You can learn more about using OLBA by visiting http://elearning.olba.org.uk. The elearning environment features video content to guide you through the functionality in OLBA as well as short exercises and full case studies to test your knowledge. Use your usual username and password to login.
Sign in to OLBA
No Account Yet?
New branch officers are assigned login credentials once they have been added to the RMS system. If you have not been sent these by email please contact olba@unison.co.uk